Now that's power

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Laundry day

Doing laundry is like taking a shower. I hate doing either. They require prep, forward thinking and clean-up afterward. They are both disruptive. The only things that help me through doing them is that they both include the use of powerfully pleasant perfumed materials, and they both serve as reminders that as a human, bad smells mean bad things might happen... poor hygiene leads to boils and unpleasant reactions by others, and stinky clothes can mean mold, Goodwill clothes may carry lice or bed bugs.

Don't get me going on bed bugs... or my weird thoughts when it comes to "contamination".....

Too late.....

Here is a bed bug. These pests used to be a thing of the past. Fleas used to not live in Denver. But by some twist of fate, they now are a real part of our modern lives. I saw a documentary about a woman with these huge welts, and she was being horribly misdiagnosed and hence mistreated, until she searched the internet and found that her symptoms matched perfectly with a bed-bug infestation. Turns out that during a vacation, her belongings were infested from the hotel she stayed at. Anyway, now I have a rule that no porous item is brought into the house from Goodwill until it is first laundered.

And we are back to laundry.

So, it's laundry day. The day for renewal, potent perfumes, prep and clean-up. Once I have put laundry away, and same with after a shower, I feel so stupid, because doing these simple acts make me feel better, happier, more confident, full. Why do I put them off? I know it is odd, but I think I fight them because they are tangible proof of my physical reality. That I am, right now, encased in a physical body. I know it sounds absurd and maybe a little elitist, but it's true. There are plenty of other physical activities I revel in. But these two, they point out that things here get dirty and have to get clean.

Just another Sirian wanderer looking for a perpetually clean place to think.