Now that's power

Thursday, April 1, 2010


What a weird day to start in earnest my daily blog dedicated to laughing out loud once a day. I just learned I am being garnished for 1/4 of my paycheck for the next 10 paychecks. Those vultures. Oh well, what can I do? I'll plead with the attorneys who have heard it all before, and who will tell me to just deal with it. I planned on taking this weekend off and now I think I may have to cancel those plans. I don't see how I can skip out of work in this new set of circumstances. So all plans for extra expenditures are on hold until August.
So what is there to laugh about?
This is a debt I incurred while married but when my husband was taking my earnings, and giving me nothing to live on, so I took out 3 credit cards to buy baby stuff and household items, like food for all of us. Those cards bought my eventual freedom. I used them to leave him and set up shop in a different town with my 3 year old!
So an old debt has come home to roost.
They tend to do that.

So I will pay my debt. We will get by. I will state my apologies with my cash and move on. And I will still find a way to laugh out loud today. Maybe today when we are at the Goodwill we will find something that is very nice but for the horrible stains, I'll call out to my son, "Hey! This thing is CrapTastic!!!"

1 comment:

  1. That last line completely cracked me up. Nice ti-in with the theme, the title. You're a writing goddess.
