Now that's power

Monday, April 19, 2010


Had a dream that drunk waiter guy on that show on Showtime about catering came up to me and gave me a note to ask me to call him since he was so taken with me. This after just getting two other dates from very desirable people. But the actor guy was a doctor who'd just finished his Cardiology residency. Dad was talking with him and I overheard that he was divorced, his wife had left him because of the demands of his education. And he thought I was funny.

Also in the dream, I was roped into helping a little kid whose foot was jacked up, and I discovered some medicine that I enjoyed practicing. And that's how I met drunk-waiter-but-I'm-really-a-cool-doctor-who-is-just-a-guy-in-love-with-YOU.

Also in that dream, we were in a car in the city trying to get somewhere fast and we encountered a bad scene, fires and autos abandoned, and we were getting zapped/tingly in our car because there was a car electrified next to us.

So we got out of the car and were under a 5 story underpass. A big, burly, pleasant cop came up to us, loaded to the teeth (machine gun strapped to his back, grenades), and all of a sudden, his bat-like crime-fighting super hearing made his head cock to the left, he politely excused himself from our pleasant conversation, and scaled the walls of that underpass just like spiderman, just up, up, up, and I was filled with awe and a great sense of safety, that the world was about to be Put Right.

If you were Mary reading this, you'd be laughing because this story went on and on and on and on and on. It was self-indulgent and, more than that, absolutely thrilled with itself.

1 comment:

  1. I did love it, and I did lol. More, please. Because I like to laugh at your dreams.
